Oriental fashion photography
Western Europe's late 14th century fashion photography predates the camera. Fashion superseded conventional dress, and clothing became more socially influential. Clothes become a major method of self-expression in congested metropolitan areas. Fashion democratised aesthetic tastes notwithstanding hierarchy and desire. Trend-setters are always looking for new methods to differentiate themselves apart from imitators. Print photos best capture fashion intoxication's freshness, desire, imagination, and visual allure. Despite being shot later than normal, the camera techniques captured the fast-changing fashion trends. After its invention in 1839, fashion photographs quickly became popular. These images initially targeted fashion designers, corporations, and hand-drawn graphics models. However, halftone printing in the late 19th century allowed economical mass production of photos, which soon appeared in fashion magazines. Late 19th century. Pictures supplanted hand-drawn graphics in most fashion periodicals by the mid-1930s. Shinkle (2017)
Photos of clothing or accessories, usually to promote fashion. Fashion images. Fashion photography depicts fashion or "fashionable" lifestyles. In the 1920s, fashion photography mostly documented women's clothing and modelled socially acceptable behaviour. Fashion photography modelled proper female behaviour. As civilization progressed, fashion photography's aim and women's portrayal changed. As economy, society, and technology have changed, so has fashion photography and how women are portrayed. Fashion photography became a way for photographers to comment on current events. Fashion photography depicts different attitudes, behaviours, creative ideas, clothes, trends, and societal expectations of women. Fashion photography has become visual.